API Reference

Import the pyjokes module to access pyjokes in any Python application:

import pyjokes


Returns a random joke from the given category in the given language.

Parameters Types Values Default
language str 'en', 'de', 'es', 'gl' , 'eus' 'en'
category str 'neutral', 'chuck', 'all' 'neutral'

Return type: str

If the language value provided is not available, a LanguageNotFoundError exception is raised.

If the category value provided is not available, a CategoryNotFoundError exception is raised.


Returns a list of jokes from the given category in the given language.

Parameters Types Values Default
language str 'en', 'de', 'es', 'gl', 'eus' 'en'
category str 'neutral', 'chuck', 'all' 'neutral'

Return type: list

If the language value provided is not available, a LanguageNotFoundError exception is raised.

If the category value provided is not available, a CategoryNotFoundError exception is raised.