API Reference

Import the pyjokes module to access pyjokes in any Python application:

import pyjokes


Returns a random joke from the given category in the given language.

Parameters Types Values Default
language str See LANGUAGES en
category str See CATEGORIES neutral

Return type: str

If the language value provided is not available, a LanguageNotFoundError exception is raised.

If the category value provided is not available, a CategoryNotFoundError exception is raised.


Returns a list of jokes from the given category in the given language.

Parameters Types Values Default
language str See LANGUAGES en
category str See CATEGORIES neutral

Return type: list[str]

If the language value provided is not available, a LanguageNotFoundError exception is raised.

If the category value provided is not available, a CategoryNotFoundError exception is raised.

Supported languages

These are all the languages supported by pyjokes:

Language Value (ISO 639 two-letter language code)
Basque cs
German de
English en
Spanish es
Basque eu
French fr
Galician gl
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Lithuanian lt
Polish pl
Russian ru
Swedish sv

To add support for another language, please see the contributing page.

Joke categories

Joke categories are:

Category name Value Notes
Neutral neutral Standard programmer jokes
Chuck Norris chuck Chuck Norris programmer jokes
All all All joke categories combined


Exceptions are available at pyjokes.exc:

  • PyjokesError (base class for all library exceptions)
  • LanguageNotFoundError
  • CategoryNotFoundError